

The Goshen County Republican Party exists to provide citizens the opportunity to be involved with selecting and electing candidates who will represent them in various political and community offices and jobs. The Party Platforms express the general viewpoint of those who are a part of the Republican Party and they are one way in which we find common ground on issues.

The Party meets every other year to discuss and refine those positions on the issues, and meets regularly during those years to conduct party business and address current issues of importance to our party through the use of Resolutions. The true grass roots of the Party are the people involved at the County level. From Precinct committeemen and women on down to those citizens attending our Caucus and County Convention. This is where we make a difference! We invite you to come join us, to work with us, to ensure the vision of our Founding Fathers is carried on through our Constitutional Government. We accomplish this by finding, electing and supporting people who will adhere to our Platforms positions. With your help America can continue to be the greatest nation on earth!

Goshen County History: by Vickie Zimmer

History-CabinLong before it was settled by white people, the territory in what’s now Goshen County, Wyo., was claimed by places as distant as Spain, France, Great Britain, Mexico and the Republic of Texas.

The Louisiana Purchase in 1803 established the claim of the United States to the area. Already by that time, fur trappers may have explored as far up the Platte and North Platte Rivers as Goshen County lies now. In 1813, Robert Stuart and a party of Astorians heading east to report back to American Fur Company owner John Jacob Astor were the first documented white men to camp in the area, near present-day Torrington, Wyo.
Continue reading by clicking here: http://www.wyohistory.org/encyclopedia/goshen-county-wyoming

Our Mission:

Our party foundations include strong support for our military, less government interference, common sense regulations, absolute support for the right of all to have life, liberty, belief in God and adherence to the Constitution in every facet. From Abraham Lincoln to Ronald Reagan, Republicans have done great things for America, and we want to continue to follow the paths they have marked for us. May God Bless America and the great State of Wyoming.